Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A finished project and more underway

Well,  a combination of a wet couple of weeks and a cold going through the family means some projects have been finished and some have had to wait their turn.  I finished crocheting the ‘Granny Square ‘ blanket and sewed it up this weekend . A total of 19 balls of wool and at least 12 colours I think. It looks good on the couch in my lounge :
It’s great for snuggling up under by the fire !  When you crochet the resulting garment is twice the thickness of a knitted garment so it’s toasty warm.
I have managed to spend a little time in my studio and made these two books from a couple of recycled whiskey bottle boxes.  They turned out quite well I think – I used my new ‘corner’ punch to round the corners of them . Each has about 30 pages of lined, graph and plain paper. Simple pamphlet binding.

Hubby  has already grabbed one – said he will use it for ‘tasting notes’  : )
I also have made a new screen and have some fabric printing underway :
And I found this book in a second hand shop and have ‘warped’ my loom again and am experimenting with ‘texture and pattern’ in some sample weaving :
I was really please to find this as the publishing date was 1980 and I don’t think it’s in print any more!

Hope you are keeping warm where ever you are.
R x

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Quilting and more macarons ….

A quilt I have been working on – my first attempt at hand quilting . I quite like the effect ( I want the stitches to show)
A macaron failure. I tried to make vanilla macarons but the mixture was too thick . They ended up more like meringues. However they still tasted ok when I filled them with a lemon curd and mascapone mixture : ) .IMG_6849
I bought this book at  'Bookfeast'  in Petone :
And my first attempt from it didn’t work either. So I’m going to have a go making the chocolate ones again . (the family is enjoying all these baking tests!)
I bought these macarons from one of my local French bakeries but they don’t look like the ‘Luxemburgerli’ or the ones from the book above, and they tasted like Chocolate Brownies.
When I get the recipe and technique right I’ll let you know ..
R x